Here are a bunch of free, must have, audio goodies to start out the New Year. -loops-hits-and-multis-627820
Free Music Samples From A-Z. a huge assortment already categorized alphabetically for you.
Roland SH 101 Bass Synth VST
(PC and Mac).
A fantasic bass synth VST emulation.
Free software sample player for Mac.
Wow something free for a Mac? Incredible!
AudioFinder and MidiTest
(PC and Mac).
Need to go through your sample library quickly to find a sound with minimal fuss?
Includes one of the best and fastest audio finder / players around.

Also, MidiTest shows status of MIDI
events in real time.
GK Amplification 2 LE virtual amp / speaker software (PC and Mac). Virtual Amp with speed control that acts like the real thing.
See archive for more audio freebies.
Enjoy and Happy New Year everyone!!
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